You are addicted to your lost cause: The Psychology of Culture Wars


To understand my situation, you need to understand something about lost causes.

Lost causes in modern America. Yesterday I posted a response to Dr. Russell Moore’s article about Donald Trump. In it I detailed why I disagree with the idea … Read the rest “You are addicted to your lost cause: The Psychology of Culture Wars”

Stop it with all the Music: Millennials are leaving the Church because the Church is worried that Millennials are leaving the Church.


DISCLAIMER: I include myself when I speak about Millennials here because I fall just within the age range. I have not personally left the Church — far from it — but I resonate with many of the attitudes that Millennials Read the rest “Stop it with all the Music: Millennials are leaving the Church because the Church is worried that Millennials are leaving the Church.”

A Dream Of Love: Doing Things You Don’t Want To Do

Culture, Men's Issues, Music

Before reading this, click play on the video above. Watching it is not important, but the sound will (I hope) do something for you. The song is Liebestraume (translated, “A Dream of Love”) by Hungarian virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt. It … Read the rest “A Dream Of Love: Doing Things You Don’t Want To Do”

Going to the doctor is a waste of time: Thoughts on a post-socialist medical system


To understand my life over the past 3 years, you’ve got to understand a little bit about bacteria.

And not just any bacteria. I’m specifically thinking about the bacteria called Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, the bacteria that causes the … Read the rest “Going to the doctor is a waste of time: Thoughts on a post-socialist medical system”