Racism is the killer of the will. Be willing.

Culture, Featured

America has had a tough week. Never mind that MLK was an American. Never mind that we went from segregated schools and “colored” bathrooms in the 1950s to electing an African-American President roughly 2 generations later. Charlottesville is where we … Read the rest “Racism is the killer of the will. Be willing.”

A review of Blace, Croatia: The GREATEST vacation destination in the world. ever. It has KITEBOARDING.

Featured, Travel

For the third summer in a row, our family took our summer vacation to the coastal paradise of Blace, Croatia. We love this location, and we’ve come to love vacation too. If you’re looking for a place off the beaten Read the rest “A review of Blace, Croatia: The GREATEST vacation destination in the world. ever. It has KITEBOARDING.”