When I bought my last phone, I did very little research. I had heard that Apple had just launched a new model called the iPhone SE, and I knew it was for me. See, the iPhone 5 had been my … Read the rest “A new perspective on your smart phone: lose it.”
3 ingredients for turning defeat into victory
Featured, Leadership, WorkI’ve been a Falcons fan for as long as I can remember. When the Superbowls came each year, I’d always just pick the team with the best jerseys or the player that I liked the most; I never could find … Read the rest “3 ingredients for turning defeat into victory”
God makes no mistakes: Abigail Fisher
Culture, Featured, LeadershipYour eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. – Psalm 139:16
This story was recently featured on the … Read the rest “God makes no mistakes: Abigail Fisher”
Was our Lord not Exploited? [Thoughts on refugees]
Culture, FeaturedThe events of the past several days have been discouraging, to say the least. The terrorist attacks have reached a new high, reaching Paris, Beirut, and Egypt, all in the same week, bringing death and injury to people who were … Read the rest “Was our Lord not Exploited? [Thoughts on refugees]”