When you get into college, most people recommend that you study something concrete. Gain some skills, get yourself ready for work, they say. Math, finance, engineering — those are the fields rich with jobs. Don’t waste your time in social sciences … Read the rest “What difference does theology make?”
On Being Bosnian
UncategorizedYesterday, as part of my quest to obtain local health insurance for my family here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I received something I never thought was possible.
A Bosnian social security number.
Here it’s called a “matični broj”, or JMBG … Read the rest “On Being Bosnian”
A New City, A New Adventure
UncategorizedUsually in life, people seek to go from small to big. Bigger cars, bigger houses, bigger cities, bigger families… We aren’t. And it’s not a demotion, either. We are honestly trying to go in a positive direction for our family, … Read the rest “A New City, A New Adventure”
Life, in its Earliest Moments
UncategorizedElena Joy Trousdale, born 27 April, 2015
We have another one. That is all.
Tyler’s Thoughts on Moving Day [YouTube]
UncategorizedMy son wanted to share some thoughts about moving to Mostar. Everyone knows that moving can be hard, especially for young children. I often wonder how our moving will affect him as he grows up.
Fortunately, he seems fairly positive … Read the rest “Tyler’s Thoughts on Moving Day [YouTube]”
THE BOSNIA PROJECT Channel trailer video [YouTube]
UncategorizedI’ve been meaning to make a new preview vid for our YouTube channel. I finally threw something together. The YouTube channel is a way to have all of our video content in one place. You can continue to come here … Read the rest “THE BOSNIA PROJECT Channel trailer video [YouTube]”